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A Change of Heart

After singing country music and trying to win the world’s popularity contest, God completely moved my heart towards seeking His favor with my music instead.

Since then, God has allowed me to record four albums, one of them being all my own material inspired by the life-changing power of His word in my life.

My singing and songwriting now has new meaning and greater purpose as I center it around Jesus and the provisions of the cross.

My prayer is that as you listen, you are drawn into a time of comfort, fellowship, and worship of your beautiful God and Savior.

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In Love With the Savior
An Album of Trusted Hymns

This album is dedicated to and inspired by the older generation of Saints in my church. Beautiful souls like Maxine and others who are comforted by the Truth found in the old-fashioned hymns of their faith.

Friend, as you listen to this album, I pray you are compelled to begin a conversation with the Savior, adoring Him, loving Him, deepening your fellowship, and remembering with awe your Savior’s unquenchable love for you personally.

“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”
Jeremiah 6:16a

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Glimpses of You
A Victory Cry

I never intended to write an album.  But while enjoying Christmas with my family in Iowa, God woke me up very early one morning with an insatiable desire to write. I began writing that very moment and over the next 13 months wrote 10 new songs!

The previous album, Amazing Grace, recorded during a trial, soothes the soul in comfort and grace as the songs point to the Counselor, Healer, Shepard, and Comforter, so needed when one is suffering. 

This album is a reflection of the victorious life after the trial. 

God has taken me by the hand and pulled me out of the bondage of depression. God helped me focus on the power of His Word as a tool to bring me freedom, joy, and abundant life, even with depression and bipolar.  I believe you will be able to hear my transformed, reclaimed life through this album.
What a testimony to the power of God!

We spared no expense on this project.  The project started at Faith Music Missions with Ed Russ and David Chamberlain where we recorded vocals and piano.  Some of the harmony vocals we recorded are mine, but you will also hear the lovely voice of Maria Komisky.
We then hired Nashville composer Steve Mauldin to write string arrangements for the album.  A really cool tidbit about Steve is that he has worked on the last two Kendrick brothers’ movies! (Overcomer and War Room). Even cooler is what Steve emailed me after we finished recording.
“Thank you for using me on your project. I only hope it will enhance the worship value of your music and point listeners to the glory of God.“

What a privilege to work with God-loving people!

My husband Todd and I flew to Nashville to The Library Recording Studio to listen while the strings were recorded onto the album.  

On “Yet Still”, my oldest son Dakota Cotugno adds his rich cello playing to this powerful song about Christ’s willingness to love us still, despite His suffering.

This album took almost three years to complete. Smack dab in the middle of the process was a severe vocal issue, a car accident, concussion, four months of physical therapy, a financial crisis and a five-month complete stop of all work on the CD. God taught me so much in that time, and He especially increased my capacity to trust while waiting.  Ironically, two songs on the album are about waiting!

I pray God will use this album to bring you close to Him and to make you love Him even more. It sure does that for me!

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Amazing Grace
An Album of Comfort

This CD is dedicated to those who have suffered wondering how they could make it through another day. By His grace, we have made it to today. By His grace, we will have a tomorrow.

This album is peaceful, providing comfort as it points the listener to the One who pours grace upon us abundantly, sufficiently, faithfully. It will renew your hope that He knows you, loves you and values you to the point of sparing no expense to save you.

In 2013, I was in the midst of a devastating depression. I already had this cd planned and even had the finances in place, but did not make a recording date because I felt so broken and unusable. How could I possibly make a CD? How could God possibly use me?
While attending a ladies’ meeting, the speaker said a statement that God used to clearly speak to me.
She said, “It is not your weakness that keeps God from working, it is your illusion of strength.”

These words freed me. God used them to assure me I didn’t need to be “fixed” or “perfect” before letting Him use me. Rather, He gently said to me, “Jennifer, I want to use you just as you are, broken and weak. I will do the work. The power comes from Me.”

Within thirty days the album was recorded. In the midst of my trial, God walked with me and loved me, giving me grace one minute at time. 

On this album, I wrote “My Hiding Place” and “Rise Above.” I also took a poem called “He Giveth More Grace” by Annie Johnson Flint and a poem called “Immanuel” by Charles Spurgeon and made each into song.

The top feedback I get about this album is that it is a comfort.  I am not surprised.  While recording, God was pouring His comfort on me. I believe God then infused that comfort into the album. I pray it provides for you the same peace God provided me as I recorded it.

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble,
by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." II Corinthians 3-4

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This project is an original, but traditional rendition of classic, Christ-centered favorites.

You will not hear these arrangements on any other album and the orchestration was written exclusively for our project by Nashville composer Lura Foster.

String players from the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra recorded her beautiful work. 

Every member of the family has contributed to this album. One song is exclusively the four children. 
(David Chamberlain played piano though. I ran out of kids!)

You will also hear beautiful acoustic guitar played by my husband, Todd.

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Mary, Did You Know? (Single)

My husband Todd and I were invited to do this song on a project directed by Eric Capaci and Sonya Chittum from Gospel Light Baptist Church. Wonderful memories from this project. This is also how we met Ed Russ and David Chamberlain at Faith Music Missions for the first time.

This is a version of the song you have never heard, as Todd and I arranged it together. You will hear Todd’s wonderful acoustic guitar playing in this stirring rendition.

….in a word, captivating.
I literally listened to it a half dozen times…
it was truly a very poignant and emotional song.
Michael E.

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Do you love to hold an actual CD and read the cover?  Me too!