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Tunnel Vision

Lord, I know that you are always the Light for my path, the Beginning of my rope,
and the Door to every journey you bring me.

You are the beginning of wisdom.
You are the beginning of peace and hope.

But Lord, time and again, I let my worries and woes create a dark and exhausting tunnel.

Lord, I know You were there for me as my thoughts began creating this tunnel.
You had Your freeing Truth and Your broad shoulders ready to give me peace and carry my burdens.

But I didn’t choose You there.

You watched me get lost in my thoughts.
You patiently waited for me to seek you.

My tunnel is built now, but Lord, precious Lord, I see You there at the end.
I see Your light shining to me.

At the end of my gloomy tunnel You are shining brightly with mercy,
beauty, gentleness and rest for me.

I am finding my way to You Lord.
As I open to Psalm 33, I begin walking down my tunnel to You.
I hear Your voice and I feel Your warmth.

As I read, You are burning away the darkness.

Lord, You are the reason that I have hope.
The reason that I have peace when my dreams fail.
You are the reason I can be content with scarcity.
That I can dismiss fear.
That I can rest in my spirit.
You are the reason I don’t quit on the stewardship You’ve given me.

I depend on Your mercy.
I depend on Your protection from my pride and wayward thoughts.
I am grateful that You have lovingkindness for me every morning.
You know how to bring peace to my soul when I am drowning.
I am grateful that Your Son, who walked on this earth for my sin, abides in my heart forever.

You are enough for me Lord.

Your grace is sufficient for my needs.
You reward me with contentment as I choose surrender.

You measure me with grace.
Thank you for not expecting perfection from me.

Lord, you are the Light at the end of my tunnel.
The darkness loses its power as I focus on Your light.

There are just hints of grey in the outskirts of my mind now.
The grey beckons for my focus, for my attention, and for my energy.

But Lord, You beckon for me as well.

Thank you for offering me the grace and strength to conquer
this day, this moment into the next moment and then the next.
I don’t need to carry the burden of tomorrow, or even the next hour.

You are my light.

My light when I didn’t know you those years ago.

My light while you watched with anticipation as my daddy told me the redemption plan You had for me.

My light as you watched me step from the ultimate darkness of my sin debt
into the ultimate Light of being born again, no longer just Your creation, but Your child.

You are my light as you lead me through trials and perils.

My Light as I wake and go to bed each night.

Lord, Your light never fades, never dims, never gets lost in shadow.

It is a beacon Whose blaze cannot be quenched.

Your light is in me, around me, before me and after me.

Your light shines thru eternity.

Thank you Lord, that I can bask in Your light today and every day to come.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day;
neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee:
but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and God thy glory.
Isaiah 60:19