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Rejecting Grace

Have you ever considered that when you choose not to be a receiver, you may be
rejecting God’s promised provision of grace?

We know for there to be givers, there must be receivers.

We must be both or we rob someone of the blessing of giving.

But that is not the only reason to receive.

God may be using the giver
to stay faithful to 
HIS promise.

God says His grace is sufficient, but have we limited God on what His grace can look like?

Could we be rejecting His grace by saying no to a giver?

Are we struggling through our trial because we say no to a giver?

It makes sense that God would use people in our lives to show us His grace.

When we reject help or prayer or gifts from others,
is it possible that God was using that person to extend His promised grace?

Do you remember the story of the drowning man who turns down the help of the passer-by because he says God will save him?

He expected God’s help to look a certain way,
so he rejected the help and grace God sent.

God’s grace takes many forms, and one of those forms is using people.

The purpose of being a receiver is two-fold.

You allow someone to experience the blessing of giving and you receive the grace God promises for your trial.

The next time you have needs that require extra receiving, try seeing the help from others as an extension of God’s promised grace.

God is faithful to His promise.

His grace my look different than
you thought it would.

Don’t miss it!

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you;
that ye, always having all 
sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work:
My grace is sufficient for thee
II Corinthians 9:8, 12:9a