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More Power Than You Think

This power does not refer to pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. It refers to the power we have been given through Christ to choose an amazing life that is not dependent on our thoughts, our emotions, other people, or the circumstances around us. It is the power that comes from basing our life on God's promises.
More Power Than You Think is based on our God-given power to choose.

My Passion...

1) To equip and empower others to purposely choose thoughts and beliefs aligned and founded on truth so they can live the victorious life Christ intended. 

2) To be used of God to create beauty that inspires others to feel deeply, live fully, and be willing to believe that hope still exists.

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Online Video Course

"My thoughts control me!"
"I never feel like I am enough."

"I feel like God is disappointed in me."

Does that sound familiar?
How about an abundant life of rest and acceptance instead?
God has an escape and answer for you!
Start the Bible study for free today.

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"I feel like we are sitting at the table together! I sense that you care about people & I really appreciate that."
- Kat

I do care friend! 

I want you to experience the freedom, power, control, and victory that Christ died to give you.

Tune in and get encouraged in your walk with Christ!

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I'm Jennifer Skaw


I am a podcaster, writer, teacher, and singer/songwriter.

In 2013, during a suicidal depression, I was diagnosed with bipolar II.

God used my fragile state to teach me the power His Word has to transform our lives even when our circumstances stay messy.

My bipolar is now stable and my life has been transformed!

I have a passion to equip and encourage women to claim and apply the power they have through Christ to choose an amazing life that is not dependent on their thoughts, emotions, other people, or the circumstances around them.

I teach of the power that comes from basing our lives on God's promises, and based on our God-given power to choose, so we can live, love, and be loved in the way Christ intended.

More from Jennifer

The Music Shop

After singing country music and trying to win the world’s popularity contest, God completely changed my heart and devotion to instead seek His favor with my music.

Since then, He has allowed me to record four albums, one of them being all my own material, inspired by His life-changing power in my life through His word. My singing now has new meaning and greater purpose as it all centers around our amazing Savior.

My prayer is that as you listen, you are drawn into a time of comfort, fellowship, and worship with the Savior.

Visit Music Shop

Mental Health

When it comes to mental health battles, the more you learn the more power you take back!

This free guide is full of clickable links to websites and resources that will help ease fears about the complicated world of mental illness. Most of the resources in this guide are free! You will also have links to emergency crisis lines, not just for suicide prevention, but for assistance with any mental crisis, including eating disorders.

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Not 100% sure heaven is your home?

You can be!

This video can help you know for sure right now.